Shaw's Cove is one of the most popular dive sites in Orange
County. It is well-protected from large swells, making it highly suitable for the beginning beach divers. For this reason, many scuba classes are held here every weekend.
This site is considered by many a beginners' site and many experienced divers stay away from it. That is too bad because this site offers, in my opinion, one of the best beach dives in Orange County, regardless of experience level.
The reef consists of a jumble of very large boulders, separated from each other by a maze of trenches. During low tide, you can wade out quite a bit due to the flat bottom. Most divers check out the western side as there is a crevice that leads to Crescent Bay. The crevice is in 15-20 ft of water depending on the tide. There can be a strong surge and there is an arch, creating an overhead environment. There are plenty of smaller channels into the reef as you go deeper.
If you dive around the reef on the eastern side of the cove, you can exit the water at Fisherman’s Cove.
Shaw's Cove is monitored by the Laguna Beach life guards so make sure you have a buddy and a snorkel - they check.
A-Fairview Street, B-Entry Stairs, C-Bottom of Entry at Shaw's Cove