Earlier studies shown that different pretreatment methods influence
on the initial properties of fermentation media in the GSHE
aided fermentations. Balcerek and Pielech-Przybylska [22] studied
the effect of thermal prehydrolysis (at 56–57 C) of triticale starch
with a-amylase and non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme
on the course of fermentation with GSHE. The initial content of
reducing sugars in pretreated media was much higher in comparison
to samples without prehydrolysis (ca. 11 and 4 g 100 mL1
respectively). Shavanas et al. [21] came to similar conclusion while
studying the effect of preliminary liquefaction of cassava starch
prior to fermentation with GSHE. Similar results were achieved in
present study in samples subjected to enzymatic pretreatment
where the polysaccharides present in the raw material were preliminary
hydrolyzed by the complex of enzymes in Ceremix 6X MG
preparation (amylases, proteases, cellulases and others). The advantage
of using this preparation was previously confirmed in the process
of separate hydrolysis and fermentation of waste bread at high
solids loading [12]. Moreover the content of non-dissolved solids
was much lower in enzymatically pretreated waste bread slurries