522 SL is the winner, but regretful that she had to showcase the dragon to win, drawing unnecessary attention to it.
523-526 SL decides to magnanimously let SQ off, inciting the rage of her admirers and teacher. NL then stands and leads SL away. LYY watches on filled with hatred towards SL.
527-529 SL returns to the Su Manor to be raged at by Su Xi and Su Jingyu, who threaten to kick her out from the family. Both are no longer a match for her and she defeats them with a whip.
530-533 Su Zi’an summons SL to reprimand her for beating SX and SJY (also angered over SQ). However his real purpose is to take SL's Divine Dragon puppy to appease the Jade Lake's patriarch Lǐ Yáo Xiáng (eight ranked) over LAT's death. SZ hesitates when SL lies and says it was a gift from NL.
534-537 LYX arrives and interrogates SL over LAT. Her retorts anger LYX and he attempts to force her to kneel by exerting pressure. SJY and SZ both kneel but SL refuses.
538-539 As SL is about to be forced on her knees, NL arrives. NL and LYX are both eight ranked and, as NL is determined to protect SL, LYX leaves in anger.
540 NL warns SZ to protect SL when he attempts to suck up. Now SZ is trapped between siding with either NL or the Jade Lake, and angering the other.
541 SL and NL leave on the Dragon Scaled Horse. They head towards the Eastern Sea Dragons' base where BY and other grunts are waiting to divide the spoils. The Jade Lake's genius Lǐ ào Qióng, is also there (LYY and LAT's cousin), having joined in the raid while searching for LAT. (For some reason the author switches to LAT but I'll just change it to LAQ.).