International English
There is a worldwide trend towards international business-businesses in different countries coming together to trade good and services. The United States, Canada, and Mexico have all signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This is an international agreement to lower economic barriers between the countries and end many limits on the buying and selling of goods.
Another example of this worldwide trend is the European Union (EU). The EU is an organization through which many countries in Europe have united economically and politically. The 500 million people living in the European Union share common institutions and official policy agreements. These agreements make it easier for the members to do business together.
There are significant benefits for the countries involved in these agreements. The European Union, for example, has much more powerful economy than that of the individual countries. In fact, the EU and the United States are the two largest economies in the world. Together they make up about half of the entire world’s economy.
International agreements such as NAFTA and the EU promote economic and political unity between countries. This means that member nations have to make decisions together about policies in many areas: agriculture, consumer affairs, business competition, the environment, energy, transportation, and trade. Language plays a role an important role in policy meetings. For example, when the EU comes together to make decisions, many translators are needed. These translators keep Europe working smoothly in at least 20 different languages. On May 1, 2004, ten new countries joined the EU, bringing the total number of member nations to twenty-five. The number of possible combinations of languages in any interactions within the EU increases to nearly 400.
With so many different languages, everyday conversations increasingly require a language that most of the people can already speak fluently, such as English. Most people in Brussel, the headquarters for the EU, speak at least two or three languages, so English is increasingly the common language in any gathering of more than a few people. This situation is unique. English is also used in many NAFTA meetings and other international gatherings around the world. The increased need for English in political circles will only add to a trend that has existed for years: using English for day to day business exchanges.
As more and more countries come together for political or business purposes, the need for a common language will only increase. Based on current trends, English seems to be the obvious choice.