Cultivation of Pleurotus species using lignocellulosic residues is the bioconversion process
which offers the opportunity to utilize renewable bio-resources in the production of edible,
protein-rich food (Sanchez et al. 2002). Various agricultural by-products are being used as
substrates for the cultivation of oyster mushroom. In Tanzania, only 2 % of the sisal plant is
used while the remaining biomass after decortication is dumped near the factories, post harvest
sisal boles (sisal stems) are either left on the field to rot, smashed or burnt thus causing serious
environmental problems (Mshandete et al., 2008). Cultivation of mushroom on these solid
residues can be viewed as an effective means to utilize bio-resource left behind and
simultaneously as a sound environmental protection strategy. Furthermore, the use of these
residues in bioprocesses may be one of the solutions to bioconversion of inedible biomass
residues into nutritious protein rich food in the form of edible mushrooms (Mshandete and Cuff,