Applying new knowledge to critical issues
Fortunately, a continually expanding early child-hood knowledge base enables the field to refine, redirect, or confirm understandings of best prac - tice. The whole of the present position statement reflects fresh evidence of recent years and thd the perspectives and priorities emerging from these findings. This section looks within that mass of new knowledge to a few lines of esearch specifi - cally helpful in addressing the three critical issues for the field identified in this position statement.
First, new findings hold promise for reduc - ing learning gaps and barriers and increasing the achievement of all children. More is now known about which early social and emotional, cogni - tive, physical, and academic competencies enable young children to develop and learn to their full potential. Such findings are useful in determining curriculum content and sequences for all children. But they are especially important in helping those children most likely to begin school with lower levels of the foundational skills needed to succeed and most likely to fall farther behind with time-among whom children of color,children growing up in poverty,and English language learners are overrepresented. Another key aspect is ensur-ing that children who have learning difficulties or disabilities receive the early intervention ser-vices they need to learn and function well in the classroom.
Research continues to confirm the greater effi-cacy of early action-and in some cases, intensive intervention-as compared with remediation and other “too little”or “ too late” approaches. Changing young children’s experiences can substantially affect their development and learning, especially when intervention starts early in life and is not an isolated action but a broad-gauged set of strate-gies.40 For example, Early Head Start, a comprehend-sive two-generational program for children under age 3 and their families, has been shown to pro-mote cognitive, language, and social and emotional development.41 The success of Early Head Start illustrates that high-quality services for infants and toddlers-far too rare in the United Ststes today-have a long-lasting and positive impact on children’s development, learning abilities, and capacity to regulate their emotions.42
Although high-quality preschool programs benefit children(particularly low-income children) more than mediocre or poor programs do,43 fewer children living in poverty get to attend high-quality preschool programs than do children from higher-income households.44 Findings on the impact of teaching quality in the early grades show a similar pattern.45 In addition to this relationship of overall cess. Research has identified a number of specific predictors of later achievement. Some of these predictors lie in language/literacy and mathemat-ics; others are dimensions of social and emotional Competence and cognitive functioning related to how children fare in school.
In the language and literacy domain, vocabu-lary knowledge and other aspects of oral language
are particularly important predictors of children’s reading comprehension.46 Even when children with limited vocabulary manage to acquire basic decoding skills, they still often encounter difficulty around grade 3 or 4 when they begin needing to read more advanced text in various subjects.47 Their vocabulary deficit impedes comprehension and thus their acquisition of knowledge neces-sary to succeed across the curriculum.48 Clearly, children who hear little or no English in the home would have even more initial difficulty with com prehension in English.
นำความรู้ใหม่กับปัญหาที่สำคัญ โชคดี การขยายตัวอย่างต่อเนื่องต้นฮูดเด็กความรู้ทำให้ฟิลด์การปรับ เปลี่ยนเส้นทาง หรือยืนยันเข้าใจหลักที่ดีที่สุด - ผ่าน ทั้งหมดของคำสั่งตำแหน่งปัจจุบันสะท้อนให้เห็นถึงหลักฐานใหม่ของปีและ thd มุมมองและจัดลำดับความสำคัญจากการค้นพบเหล่านี้ ส่วนนี้มีลักษณะภายในที่มวลความรู้ใหม่ไม่กี่บรรทัดของ esearch เอื้อ - ประโยชน์ในประเด็นสำคัญสามสำหรับฟิลด์ cally ที่ระบุในประกาศตำแหน่งนี้ ประเด็นแรก ใหม่ถือสัญญาสำหรับ reduc - ing ช่องว่างและอุปสรรคในการเรียนรู้ และเพิ่มความสำเร็จของเด็กทุกคน ตอนนี้รู้จักเกี่ยวกับซึ่งต้นทางสังคม และทาง อารมณ์ cogni - tive กายภาพ ด้านวิชาการ และความสามารถช่วยให้เด็กพัฒนา และเรียนรู้ถึงศักยภาพของพวกเขาเพิ่มเติมได้ ผลการวิจัยดังกล่าวมีประโยชน์ในการกำหนดเนื้อหาของหลักสูตรและลำดับสำหรับเด็กทุกคน แต่สิ่งที่สำคัญอย่างยิ่งในการช่วยให้เด็กเหล่านั้นส่วนใหญ่มักจะเริ่มต้นโรงเรียนกับระดับของทักษะพื้นฐานที่จำเป็นในการประสบความสำเร็จ และส่วนใหญ่มักจะอยู่ไกลหลังกับเวลาในหมู่ผู้ที่เด็กสี เด็กที่โตขึ้นในความยากจน และเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเป็น overrepresented อีกด้านที่สำคัญคือ ensur-ing ที่เด็กที่มีปัญหาหรือความบกพร่องในการเรียนรู้ได้รับการต้นแทรกแซง ser-อลิพวกเขาต้องเรียนรู้ และทำงานได้ดีในห้องเรียน Research continues to confirm the greater effi-cacy of early action-and in some cases, intensive intervention-as compared with remediation and other “too little”or “ too late” approaches. Changing young children’s experiences can substantially affect their development and learning, especially when intervention starts early in life and is not an isolated action but a broad-gauged set of strate-gies.40 For example, Early Head Start, a comprehend-sive two-generational program for children under age 3 and their families, has been shown to pro-mote cognitive, language, and social and emotional development.41 The success of Early Head Start illustrates that high-quality services for infants and toddlers-far too rare in the United Ststes today-have a long-lasting and positive impact on children’s development, learning abilities, and capacity to regulate their emotions.42 Although high-quality preschool programs benefit children(particularly low-income children) more than mediocre or poor programs do,43 fewer children living in poverty get to attend high-quality preschool programs than do children from higher-income households.44 Findings on the impact of teaching quality in the early grades show a similar pattern.45 In addition to this relationship of overall cess. Research has identified a number of specific predictors of later achievement. Some of these predictors lie in language/literacy and mathemat-ics; others are dimensions of social and emotional Competence and cognitive functioning related to how children fare in school. In the language and literacy domain, vocabu-lary knowledge and other aspects of oral languageare particularly important predictors of children’s reading comprehension.46 Even when children with limited vocabulary manage to acquire basic decoding skills, they still often encounter difficulty around grade 3 or 4 when they begin needing to read more advanced text in various subjects.47 Their vocabulary deficit impedes comprehension and thus their acquisition of knowledge neces-sary to succeed across the curriculum.48 Clearly, children who hear little or no English in the home would have even more initial difficulty with com prehension in English.
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