The criteria set conditions for the recipient, the donor, and the health care team, specifically:
1.The recipient is a genetic female with no medical contraindications to transplantation, has uterine absence that has failed other therapy, has "a personal or legal contraindication" to other options (surrogacy, adoption). It is asked that she wants a child, is suitable for motherhood, psychologically fit, likely to be compliant with treatment, and understand the risks of the procedure.
2.The donor is a female of reproductive age with no contraindication to the procedure who has concluded her childbearing or consented donating her uterus after her death. It is asked that there is no coercion and the donor is responsible and sound to make informed decisions.
3.The health care team belongs to an institution that meets Moore's third criterion[42] regarding institutional stability and has provided informed consent to both parties. It is asked that there is no conflict of interests, and anonymity can be protected unless recipient or donor waive this right.