(DBH > 10 cm)// and identified and counted coffee shrubs in the entire circular plot (radius 17 m)//. We identified and counted seedlings (>50 cm in height, DBH > 10 cm)// in the 12 m radius circle.// We measured percent canopy closure with a densio meter at four cardinal points 10 m away from the center.// We recorded elevation and location with a global positioning system device.// We collected voucher specimens from sampled species and deposited them at the Herbarium // at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) in San Cristobal,// Chiapas. // Owners of farms were interviewed to collect data on farm age,// previous land use, and management practices.// We selected ten forest sites at the same elevation range as sampled farms // on average sampled forest occurred // at a slightly higher elevation, however, climatic, edaphic ,// and vegetative characteristics remained comparable.// At each forest site, we collected the same data // and used the same sampling design as used in farms.