Boldly, the team launched Always Básico at Brazil’s largest trade fair, something they had not
done before. Close collaboration with some customers had already created buzz. Azevedo explained
how they then created intrigue: “We did it in a locked room so the day before it was a mystery. We
painted the room orange. At the dinner opening of the fair, we had teasers. I went there, did a speech,
but we didn’t reveal. We said go to the event, this is your special invitation, only you guys in. Then
they were lining up to get in.” A limited number of customers and sales representatives attended at
designated times, with Marqués repeating the show throughout the afternoon. “He made 200
presentations in one day and I’m not exaggerating” Azevedo said. “He ran out of voice.” It worked.
“Customers said, finally you heard me,” she continued. “When the CBD came, they said, here comes
Always, oh I know it, I’ll take the order, I helped design it.”