The disease diagnosis, according to the veterinarians'
knowledge and experience found that in addition to
significant weight of symptom, there is still an important
factor affecting disease diagnosis that is the certainty of
symptom occurred. Because of the fact that this system was
developed for dairy cow farmers and animal husbandmen,
therefore, the certainty of symptoms occurred from
observations of users provided a more precise diagnosis.
The diagnosis in this step, system made a question to the
user to specify the certainty factor of occurred symptom
which the user specified in the disease screening step and
also was symptom of possible diseases. After that, system
made a question to the user to specify more symptoms
which the user did not yet specify. The question was sorted
by symptoms sequence of disease. Questioning more on
sequence of disease symptom helped the user`s ability to
December 11-13, 2015. Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan
978-1-4673-7242-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 690
review the occurred symptom and the user could specify
more symptoms. When the user answered all questions, the
system would diagnose the disease. In this step, we
established the model of uncertain knowledge representation
for inference using significant weight of symptom which is
defined by the veterinarian and using the certainty factor of
symptom occurred which was assigned by user. The
previous research on dairy cow disease diagnosis had not
applied gender, age range, significant weight of each
symptom and the certainty factor of symptom occurred.
Such as the disease diagnosis in the knowledge base system
of dairy disease [3] use only symptom for diseases