A-1 "Excavation :
1) Before machine excavation hand trial dig is always required to check the existing underground facilities.
2) The working methods shall enable the material to be segregated into individual types of suitable fill materials and unsuitable fill material. Excavation shall be performed to the depth and plan dimensions indicated on the drawings.
3) Excavated reusable materials shall be transported to a stockpile area and stored as described in specification. The excavated materials shell not be left, even temporarily, in locations where there will be interference with other construction activities. Materials that are not reused shall be disposed of in accordance with the Waste Management Plan.
4) When soft and compressible soil is encountered at footing grades as shown in the drawings and specifications, such soil shall be removed and replaced with fill or backfill
5) Over-excavation at footings may be backfilled with lean concrete or Controlled Low-Strength Material.