(iii) an uncovered interest parity condition relating the differential between external and
domestic interest rates with the expected rate of devaluation of the domestic currency
(the Real), and the risk premium; and
(iv) an interest rate rule, alternatively fixed rules on nominal or real interest rates, Taylortype
rules (with weights for contemporaneous deviations in inflation and output),
forward-looking rules (with weights for deviations of expected inflation from the
target), and optimal deterministic and stochastic rules.
This family of models allows several reduced-form specifications, depending on which issues
the Copom wants to discuss in detail. An example may clarify the modeling approach used in
Brazil. Suppose that the government is fully committed to a fiscal adjustment, so that the targets
for the primary surplus of the consolidated public sector will be observed. In this case, the fiscal
policy will produce important effects on aggregate demand, which should be explicitly taken into
One possible way to incorporate this information into the model is to include a fiscal variable
directly in the IS equation. In this specification, two variables represent policy instruments: the
interest rate and the primary fiscal surplus. The first is a Central Bank instrument and the second
is a Treasury instrument. The diagram in Figure 1 summarizes these assumptions, showing the
basic relationships involved.
(iii) an uncovered interest parity condition relating the differential between external anddomestic interest rates with the expected rate of devaluation of the domestic currency(the Real), and the risk premium; and(iv) an interest rate rule, alternatively fixed rules on nominal or real interest rates, Taylortyperules (with weights for contemporaneous deviations in inflation and output),forward-looking rules (with weights for deviations of expected inflation from thetarget), and optimal deterministic and stochastic rules.This family of models allows several reduced-form specifications, depending on which issuesthe Copom wants to discuss in detail. An example may clarify the modeling approach used inBrazil. Suppose that the government is fully committed to a fiscal adjustment, so that the targetsfor the primary surplus of the consolidated public sector will be observed. In this case, the fiscalpolicy will produce important effects on aggregate demand, which should be explicitly taken intoconsideration.One possible way to incorporate this information into the model is to include a fiscal variabledirectly in the IS equation. In this specification, two variables represent policy instruments: theinterest rate and the primary fiscal surplus. The first is a Central Bank instrument and the secondis a Treasury instrument. The diagram in Figure 1 summarizes these assumptions, showing thebasic relationships involved.
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