I would like to take this opportunity to express my praise for one professor in particular. Dr. Hossein Arsham, is undoubtedly one of the University of Baltimore's most valued assets. As a student in his class, conducted entirely over the Web, I was not only impressed with his expert knowledge on the subject matter, but also by his profound style of teaching. There was never a time during the semester when Dr. Arsham allowed a student's question to linger unanswered or concern to remain unnoticed. Dr. Arsham is not only able to effectively communicate with his students, but is able to reach them to the degree that they understand and appreciate the course and the subject. This is a skill held only by academia's best, a group that unquestionably includes Dr. Arsham. University of Baltimore have introduced me to professors I would consider not only the best in their respective fields, but also in the art of teaching. Dr. Arsham is most definitely among the top of this distinguished group.