Our contribution therefore resides in developing a comprehensive operations planning framework that integrates all relevant planning aspects, structures them according to the flow of goods and hierarchical aspects, and is based on quantitative DSS. Researchers and especially practitioners will gain insights as we answer our research questions:
• How should a comprehensive demand and supply chain planning framework be structured?
• How should the planning subsystems be arranged?
• Which planning decisions (in which sequence and hierarchy) are required for a better demand and supply matching?
• And last, but not least: What is the state-of-the art of DSS for each planning module?
Scientist will find further areas of research. We see these especially in a focal literature review for some planning modules that we develop, the development of efficient decision support systems and a unified modeling structure. Retailers and software vendors can take the framework for tailoring, harmonizing or developing advanced planning software systems in retail.
Before developingour DSCP framework, we want to review state-of-the art retail planning frameworks:
18 2 Framework for Retail Demand and Supply Chain Planning