In conclusion, the electrochemical performance of coin cell
capacitors assembled with AC fiber cloth electrodes and PP separator, both modified by plasma treatment with subsequent grafting
with acrylic acid under UV irradiation, using 4.6 M LiOH electrolyte
was systematically studied. The results obtained are summarized
as follows: The AC and PP surface was changed from hydrophobic
to hydrophilic and the presence of poly(acrylic acid) on these specimens was confirmed by XPS. The capacitors prepared in the present The above results provide valuable information which may be used
when developing novel compositions of EDLCs.
work exhibit excellent capacitance stability with a coulombic efficiency of 98% over 1000 cycles. At the 1000th cycle of potential
cycling (1 A g−1) the specific capacitance of 110 F g−1
was obtained with a specific energy of 11 Wh kg−1 at power density of 1 kWkg−1