Wireless intelligent sensor networks (WISNs)monitor the natural environment,3 using fields of sensors to take periodic readings and report results,together with derived values, to a central repository. In a dedicated WISN, sensors are arranged over a specific area. However, tracing human activity is difficult using a traditional WISN because human activities and locations are rarely known prior to an event. With mobile network technologies, which integrate a variety of sensors into smartphones, it’s
easier to monitor people’s activities and help them escape disasters. In addition, the powerful processing and connecting capability of smartphones can be used to give people evacuation instructions. Because of the number of active sensors in a disaster environment, the data processing and analyzing module should be scalable, providing enough peak capability for the disaster context. A datacenter’s
reconfigurable architecture supports this scalability using infrastructure as a service (IaaS).4,5 Most current datacenters use a tree architecture, in which computing power adjusts as demand changes. The software deployed on a datacenter also supports