Vehicle Scheduling Problem
The objective of most routing and scheduling problems is to minimize the total
cost of providing the service. This includes vehicle capital costs, mileage, and
personnel costs. But other objectives also may come into play, particularly in the
public transport. For example, in school bus routing and scheduling, a typical objective
is to minimize the total number of student-minutes on the bus. Thus, in the case of
transportationservices, an appropriate objective functionconsiders more than the cost
of delivering a service. The “subjective” costs associated with failing to provide
adequate service to the customer must be considered as well. Table 2-1 shows the
list of different objectives in vehicle scheduling problems
analyzes the distribution vehicle scheduling optimization
probiem with time-windows. Subsequently through
transforming the capacity and son time-windows constraint
into objective constraint, the authors establish a non-full
loaded VSP model. Moreover, genetic aigorithm is used
to solve this probiem, where naturai number is adopted
to realize probiem coding and the maximum reservation
crossover and improved inverse mutation technoiogy are
used to generate new individuáis. Finaiiy through the
simuiation experiment, the results verify its feasibility and