During the application process you will be shown a complete summary of all events for which you have applied including processing fee information and the amount owed at time of submission (if applicable).
Tournament fields will be finalized and posted following each application deadline. After each field is announced, players must submit payment in the Player Center by Sunday at 11:59:59 PM ET in order to accept the spot in the field.
The "Payment Center", located within the Player Center, will provide AJGA members access to make payment by credit card. The AJGA accepts all major credit cards - Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
After payments are made, AJGA members will be able to access a receipt in the Player Center Payment Center. If an email address is provided on the payment page, an email receipt will be sent, as well as displayed on-screen, when payment is completed.
Please allow up to 24 hours for payment processing.