the floristic survey, we recorded 65 species in 27 families(Table 1). The richest families were Cyperaceae (22 spp.), Fabaceae(5 spp.) and Nymphaeaceae, Poaceae and Plantaginaceae (4 spp.each). Cyperus was the richest genus, with nine species, followedby Bacopa, Nymphaea and Rhynchospora (four species each). Themost common life-form was emergent hydrophyte, which waspresent in 81% of the species. Floating leaved hydrophytes wererepresented by only five species (8%), most of them from thegenus Nymphaea. We recorded only three species of submersedhydrophytes and three of helophytes (Table 1). Only one free-floating species, Salvinia auriculata, was recorded in the area, butthis species was very common, showing large abundance and fre-quency (Table 2).