Cheerful and gregarious
Weak, transient effect: This is a good time to go out and socialize, because you feel quite cheerful and gregarious. You radiate warmth and emotion toward other people, so they enjoy being with you. This is a very good time to go to a party, for example. Your relations with loved ones are usually good under this influence, and you may feel quite amorous. Usually this influence is too fleeting to indicate the beginning of a major relationship, but it does help existing ones. This is a favorable time for undertaking any activity connected with beautifying your home and making it more pleasant. It is also a good time to entertain at home. In shopping now, you may spend more money than you originally intended, and if you must stay within a budget, you would be well advised to postpone shopping until later
Cheerful and gregariousWeak, transient effect: This is a good time to go out and socialize, because you feel quite cheerful and gregarious. You radiate warmth and emotion toward other people, so they enjoy being with you. This is a very good time to go to a party, for example. Your relations with loved ones are usually good under this influence, and you may feel quite amorous. Usually this influence is too fleeting to indicate the beginning of a major relationship, but it does help existing ones. This is a favorable time for undertaking any activity connected with beautifying your home and making it more pleasant. It is also a good time to entertain at home. In shopping now, you may spend more money than you originally intended, and if you must stay within a budget, you would be well advised to postpone shopping until later
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