Studies of natural coping with psychotic and other symptoms
Authors n Sample Method Results
Cohen and Berk
86 Outpatients Semi-structured
Strategies grouped into nine categories. For psychotic symptoms,
fighting back was most frequent category, then acceptance.
Carr and Katsikitis
200 Community
Similar frequencies of use of coping strategies observed
across the range of symptoms. Arousal reduction most common.
Tarrier (1987) 25 Community
72% identified a coping strategy. Cognitive and behavioural
strategies were more commonly reported.
Thurm and Haefner
37 Community
Strategy groups: ask for help; intrapsychic coping; take extra
medication; behavioural change. Asking for help was most frequent.
Kumar, Thara, and
Rajkumar (1989)
30 Outpatients Semi-structured
Most common strategies: internal dialogue (43%);
talk to relative/friend (23%); adjust medication (13%)
Dittman and
Schuttler (1990)
50 Mainly inpatients
86% described a strategy. Withdrawal was the most frequent “helpful”
strategy. 14% gave symptomatic behaviour as the most helpful strategy
McNally and
Goldberg (1997)
10 Community
Grounded theory
19 coping categories identified: 14 X cognitive (incl. 9 effective forms of
self-talk); 4 X “medical, social and interpersonal”; 1 X behavioural
Boschi et al. (2000) 95 Community residing,
early psychosis
Structured interview Mean of 9.75 strategies endorsed. Active-behavioural strategies claimed
as most helpful, but active-cognitive strategies were more frequently used.
Bak et al. (2001) 21 Community residing Structured interview Mean of two strategies endorsed per symptom group. Five clusters
of coping: active problem-solving; passive illness behaviour; active
problem-avoiding; passive problem-avoiding; symptomatic behaviour.
Latter was most frequent.
Studies of natural coping with psychotic and other symptomsAuthors n Sample Method ResultsCohen and Berk(1985)86 Outpatients Semi-structuredinterviewStrategies grouped into nine categories. For psychotic symptoms,fighting back was most frequent category, then acceptance.Carr and Katsikitis(1987)200 CommunityresidingSelf-reportquestionnaireSimilar frequencies of use of coping strategies observedacross the range of symptoms. Arousal reduction most common.Tarrier (1987) 25 CommunityresidingSemi-structuredinterview72% identified a coping strategy. Cognitive and behaviouralstrategies were more commonly reported.Thurm and Haefner(1987)37 CommunityresidingSemi-structuredinterviewStrategy groups: ask for help; intrapsychic coping; take extramedication; behavioural change. Asking for help was most frequent.Kumar, Thara, andRajkumar (1989)30 Outpatients Semi-structuredinterviewMost common strategies: internal dialogue (43%);talk to relative/friend (23%); adjust medication (13%)Dittman andSchuttler (1990)50 Mainly inpatients(92%)Semi-structuredinterview86% described a strategy. Withdrawal was the most frequent “helpful”strategy. 14% gave symptomatic behaviour as the most helpful strategyMcNally andGoldberg (1997)10 CommunityresidingGrounded theoryinterviews19 coping categories identified: 14 X cognitive (incl. 9 effective forms ofself-talk); 4 X “medical, social and interpersonal”; 1 X behaviouralBoschi et al. (2000) 95 Community residing,early psychosisStructured interview Mean of 9.75 strategies endorsed. Active-behavioural strategies claimedas most helpful, but active-cognitive strategies were more frequently used.Bak et al. (2001) 21 Community residing Structured interview Mean of two strategies endorsed per symptom group. Five clustersof coping: active problem-solving; passive illness behaviour; activeproblem-avoiding; passive problem-avoiding; symptomatic behaviour.Latter was most frequent.
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