Fig. 3. Hydrochemistry variations in the Thur River and its tributaries measured at the sampling stations in summer SC1 and spring SC2. Concentrations of NO3-N (±0.1 mg N/ l), Cl (±0.2 mg/l), Ca2+ (±1.7 mg/l), K+ (±0.3 mg/l), Na2+ (±0.8 mg/l), TP (±3 lg P/l) are illustrated. The hotspots of hydrochemistry variations are identified at the junctions of the tributaries Necker (N), Sitter (S) and Murg (M) joining the Thur River.
Table 1
Measured isotopic values of water (dD ‰ ± 0.4‰ and d18O-H2O ‰ ± 0.25‰) and nitrate (d15N ‰ ± 0.2‰ and d18O ‰ ± 0.4‰) and the calculated theoretical values of d18O-NO3 ‰.