Pakistan is a multi-lingual country where English is taught as a second language (ESL). Now,
English is compulsory at primary level but it is observed that the students at early age are not
interested in learning English. The children do not feel happy to attend English language class.
This paper aims to explore behavioral changing by using motivational expression as ‘well
done’ ‘good’, ‘nice work, excellent, etc. The behaviour changes also help students to make
decision for their future because students try to imitate their teachers. A teacher plays a vital
role in the life of a student. He/ she plays very important role in the making of a student. They
have strong influence on the student’s life. Shah (2002) asserted that teacher’s attitudes and
behaviour are very much important in students learning and teacher qualification and training
affects not only teacher attitude but also student learning. Language of a teacher can affect the
student behaviour. When children are small, they are eager to be loved and admired by their
elders. This encouragement is called reinforcement and is defined as effect on the behaviour.
So, reinforcement is a key to make change in the behavior of a student. Environment provides
Pakistan is a multi-lingual country where English is taught as a second language (ESL). Now,English is compulsory at primary level but it is observed that the students at early age are notinterested in learning English. The children do not feel happy to attend English language class.This paper aims to explore behavioral changing by using motivational expression as ‘welldone’ ‘good’, ‘nice work, excellent, etc. The behaviour changes also help students to makedecision for their future because students try to imitate their teachers. A teacher plays a vitalrole in the life of a student. He/ she plays very important role in the making of a student. Theyhave strong influence on the student’s life. Shah (2002) asserted that teacher’s attitudes andbehaviour are very much important in students learning and teacher qualification and trainingaffects not only teacher attitude but also student learning. Language of a teacher can affect thestudent behaviour. When children are small, they are eager to be loved and admired by theirelders. This encouragement is called reinforcement and is defined as effect on the behaviour.So, reinforcement is a key to make change in the behavior of a student. Environment provides
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