„Therefore I know, although here is not the tall and pleasing to the eye place, but also is a beautiful scenery place, does not have the special monster beast, but also has some lives.”
„Now, here unexpectedly has become place of deathly stillness, is predestined friends by absolutely, does not know that Han Helai that bastard, actually has made anything.” Miao Ren Long said.
„Grandpa Miao, then can be Han Helai behavior?” Sima Ying asked.
„Has the relations with him mostly, but also certainly has other accomplices.” Miao Ren Long said.
„Grandpa Miao, your is Meaning?” Sima Ying felt is not wonderful.
„Although Han Helai, there is the ability to do this here, but does not have the ability, isolates including my Spirit power, this mountain range deep place, feared that has the universe, if I have not guessed wrong, decides some people to utilize the strength of here nature, has arranged Taboo formation.” Miao Ren Long said.
„Taboo formation?” Hears this words, Sima Ying was restless, the words that her remembering cannot help but, that aura man spoke, is it possible that here had to link Miao Ren Long, danger that was also hard to resist?
„Indeed is Taboo formation, will otherwise not be linking beyond the surrounding area great distance, is deathly stillness one piece, is infertile.” The horse senior village heads spoke, looked to the distant place.
At this moment, Sima Ying notes, although beside this mountain, not gloomy terror like this mountain, but actually also indeed is withered one piece, even links a weed not to have.
„Indifferent, in any event, today, will be Han Helai this bastard death anniversary.”
„The Chu Feng little friend, guides.” During the Miao Ren Long speeches, the big sleeve wields, together shining defense cover, wrapped separately in the body of Chu Feng and Sima Ying.
Although, he vowed must hold Han Helai, cut to kill it, but did not have the full assurance, must therefore be careful that was the matter.
Sees that Chu Feng does not neglect, but is deferring to the instruction on compass, pushed onward in this strange mountain range.
But along with their thorough, on that compass the ray of indicator, is more and more bright, but that type of restless aura, is more and more heavy, even if they are Cultivator, but visual range, actually also kilometer.
„Sir Miao, is really long time no see.” But at this moment, strange sound, resounds in the distant place together suddenly slowly.