he is still at it... frank collins
Postby evajcar on Sun May 04, 2014 4:23 pm
It appears as he is hitting every dating website! This time his name is Frank Collins from Janesville Wisconsin. He is a widow with a three year old daughter. He found me on zoosk! I only have been texting him for two weeks and he is too sweet. He requests for nothing but it just sounded too good to be true, so I did my research. Facebook checked out to be legit, nothing with phone number appeared in searches, but then I tried an image search and viola... here I am. He claims to be from nigeria, only child, lived in Texas and Florida prior to Wisconsin, mother remarried and moved to some foreign country, only child, delivery driver, lives in two bedroom apartment, a friend wife watches his daughter while he works 10-8 mon thru Friday, listens to Christian music, he'll only email U pictures, and wont send thru cell, calls u sweet or my live, strong accent, will say you're in a relationship with him on hisFacebook, but he has many accounts with all girls as friends, sends actual pictures with a blonde girl that he claims to be his the year old daughter.....
I hope this helps future women see what lies desperate men are visible of... shame on them. Email: ffrankcollins@gmail.com, phone: 608-305-4713