I am hoping this email finds you well.
This email is just a friendly reminder to let you all know which days I am at Danford College. I am in:
Wednesdays 9:00am to 5:00pm;
Thursdays 1:00pm to 5:00pm and;
Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Please also note that you are all welcome to use the computer labs from 9:00am to 5:00pm Tuesdays to Saturdays, even on days I am not here, as there will always be a trainer here to help you if you need any assistance. Especially for those students who are behind, I strongly suggest you come in on extra days, even when I am not here. So you can get up-to-date.
On a final note, please make sure you are signing in at the front desk (at reception), and signing out.
Thank-you for reading this email and I look forward to seeing you all soon.