The consumption of dietary fiber offers the health benefit of lowering the risk of many
chronic diseases. Pineapple core fiber (PCF) in this study was extracted and incorporated
into dough and mantou (i.e., steamed bread). The effects of PCF substitution and fiber size
on textural and rheological properties of dough and mantou were evaluated by a texture
analyzer. The substitution of wheat flour by PCF resulted in a stiffer and less extensible
dough with or without fermentation. The hardness and gumminess of mantou significantly
increased as the PCF substitution increased from 0% to 15%, but the cohesiveness,
specific volume, and elasticity significantly decreased with the fiber substitution. Ten
percent PCF-enriched dough and mantou with various fiber sizes had similar rheological
and textural properties, except for the k1 and k2 values. By sensory evaluation, 5% PCFenriched
mantou and the control bread had better acceptability in texture, color, odor,
and overall acceptability, compared to mantous enriched with 10% or 15% PCF. Significant
correlations existed between the rheological properties of dough and textural parameters
of mantou and between the sensory quality and textural parameters of mantou. Therefore,
we suggest that fiber-enriched mantou can be prepared with 5% PCF substitution to increase
the intake of dietary fiber and maintain the quality of mantou.
Copyright © 2014, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
LLC. All rights reserved.