1. Marital status
Men :
- Never married affect BMI in the negative at 0.4434 that there were significant at 90%.
- Divorced affect BMI in the negative at 0.7509 that there were significant at 99%.
- Separated affect BMI in the negative at 1.3575 that there were significant at 99%.
Women :
- Separated affect BMI in the positive at 0.7081 that there were significant at 90%.
2. Education
Men :
-College or more affect BMI in the negative at 0.4656 that there were significant at 90%.
Women :
-College or more affect BMI in the negative at 0.9793 that there were significant at 99%.
3. Family income
Men :
-Near-low income affect BMI in the positive at 0.4672 that there were significant at 99%.
- Middle income affect BMI in the positive at 0.4396 that there were significant at 95%.
Women :
- Near-high income affect BMI in the negative at 0.770 that there were significant at 99%.
-High income affect BMI in the negative at 1.4879 that there were significant at 99%