Sttyciar follows a layered design where each layer builds on
the functionality of those below. Figure 2 shows the layered
architecture, as well as the flow of information and packets
between layers. Packets are captured by the pcap library
and passed to the abstraction layer. In turn, each packet is
buffered and then eventually sent to the network logic layer
for processing using whatever algorithm has been implemented
by a user of the framework. After this, the packet is returned
to the abstraction layer for retransmission, if required. Before
the packet is transmitted, the abstraction layer passes it to
the statistics layer (described in section IV-C), which collects
and summarises data about all the packets processed by the
framework. If required, the user interface layer can be used
as a graphical display of statistics as well as for an intuitive
means for representing packet flow on a display. Each of the
layers is discussed in the following sub-sections.