What remains to be included is the waste-water that must be transformed and reused, in order to support agriculture and a good environment. His Majesty’s achievements in the field are varied, there being no single solutions. Some make use of very simple and clever natural techniques, some of higher technologies. A few instances are the Bangkok Bueng Makkasan Project which makes use of water hyacinth as natural water filtration. The Lake Rama IX Project, also in Bangkok, is a combined biological and mechanical treatment. As for the polluted canals it is the method of dilution and gravity flow that is used to treat the polluted and stagnant water. Upcountry, such as in the case of the Laem Phak Bia Project in Phetchaburi Province a combined lagoon waste-water treatment is used along with grass and mangrove filtration. In Nong Sanom-Nong Han, Sakon Nakhon Province, the treatment relies on a different technique of using constructed wetlands and air transfer.
His Majesty’s the King has devoted a great deal of time and energy to manage and develop the water resources of the country. The royally sponsored or initiated national programs have provided long lasting benefits to the present and future generations. His desires to seek improved solutions reflect his unfailing resolution to enhance the quality of life of all lives across the kingdom.