A moment afterwards, he entered the house. With one look at me, he Went to his work among the sick.
'Well, that's done, 'he said,after visiting each man.'And now I'd like to talk to that boy, please.'
'No!' cried George Merry.
'Silence!' shouted silver.'Hawkins,' he went on in his usual voice,'will you promise not to escape?' I give the promise. 'Then, doctor, 'said Silver,'you just step outside that stockade, and when you're there, I'll bring the boy down on the inside. You can talk through the fence.'
The men's anger exploded after the dictor left the house, and they accused Silver of trying to make a separate peace for himself. Silver waved the map in front of them and told them they were stupid.'By thunder!' he cried. 'We'll break the peace when the right time come-and that's not now!' And then he walked out on his crutch, his hand on my shoulder. 'Slowly, boy,' he whispered to me. 'We don't want to worry them.'
Dr Livesey was waiting outside the stockade. 'The boy will tell you how I saved his life,' Silver said through the fence. 'Will you say a good word for me?'
'You're not afraid, John, are you?' asked Dr Livesey.
'I don't like the idea of dying by the law,' said Silver.
'And now I'll leave you and Jim alone.'
'So, Jim,' said the doctor, 'here you are. I'm disappointed in you. You went away when Captain Smollett was wounded, which wasn't a brave thing to do.'
'Doctor,' I cried, 'I've blamed myself enough.'
'Jim,' said the doctor, his voice changed. 'Jim, I can't have this. Jume over and we'll run!'
'No,' I said. 'I promised Silver I wouldn't escape, and I must go back. But listen, I took the ship and she's in North Inlet, on the beach.'
'The ship!' cried the doctor.
I told him my story and he listened in silence. Then he said, 'It's you that saves our lives, Jim, and now we'll save yours. Silver!' he called, then as the cook came nearer, said, 'Some advice-don't hurry to find that treasure. If you do, watch out for storms.'
'What's the game, doctor?' said Silver. 'Why did you give me the map?'
'I can't say mor,' said the doctor. 'It's not my secret to tell. But if we borth get out of this alive, Silver, I'll do my best to save you. Now, keep the the boy close beside you, and when you need help, shout for it.'
Then Dr Livesey hurried off into the wood.
A moment afterwards, he entered the house. With one look at me, he Went to his work among the sick.
'Well, that's done, 'he said,after visiting each man.'And now I'd like to talk to that boy, please.'
'No!' cried George Merry.
'Silence!' shouted silver.'Hawkins,' he went on in his usual voice,'will you promise not to escape?' I give the promise. 'Then, doctor, 'said Silver,'you just step outside that stockade, and when you're there, I'll bring the boy down on the inside. You can talk through the fence.'
The men's anger exploded after the dictor left the house, and they accused Silver of trying to make a separate peace for himself. Silver waved the map in front of them and told them they were stupid.'By thunder!' he cried. 'We'll break the peace when the right time come-and that's not now!' And then he walked out on his crutch, his hand on my shoulder. 'Slowly, boy,' he whispered to me. 'We don't want to worry them.'
Dr Livesey was waiting outside the stockade. 'The boy will tell you how I saved his life,' Silver said through the fence. 'Will you say a good word for me?'
'You're not afraid, John, are you?' asked Dr Livesey.
'I don't like the idea of dying by the law,' said Silver.
'And now I'll leave you and Jim alone.'
'So, Jim,' said the doctor, 'here you are. I'm disappointed in you. You went away when Captain Smollett was wounded, which wasn't a brave thing to do.'
'Doctor,' I cried, 'I've blamed myself enough.'
'Jim,' said the doctor, his voice changed. 'Jim, I can't have this. Jume over and we'll run!'
'No,' I said. 'I promised Silver I wouldn't escape, and I must go back. But listen, I took the ship and she's in North Inlet, on the beach.'
'The ship!' cried the doctor.
I told him my story and he listened in silence. Then he said, 'It's you that saves our lives, Jim, and now we'll save yours. Silver!' he called, then as the cook came nearer, said, 'Some advice-don't hurry to find that treasure. If you do, watch out for storms.'
'What's the game, doctor?' said Silver. 'Why did you give me the map?'
'I can't say mor,' said the doctor. 'It's not my secret to tell. But if we borth get out of this alive, Silver, I'll do my best to save you. Now, keep the the boy close beside you, and when you need help, shout for it.'
Then Dr Livesey hurried off into the wood.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

A moment afterwards, he entered the house. With one look at me, he Went to his work among the sick.
'Well, that's done, 'he said,after visiting each man.'And now I'd like to talk to that boy, please.'
'No!' cried George Merry.
'Silence!' shouted silver.'Hawkins,' he went on in his usual voice,'will you promise not to escape?' I give the promise. 'Then, doctor, 'said Silver,'you just step outside that stockade, and when you're there, I'll bring the boy down on the inside. You can talk through the fence.'
The men's anger exploded after the dictor left the house, and they accused Silver of trying to make a separate peace for himself. Silver waved the map in front of them and told them they were stupid.'By thunder!' he cried. 'We'll break the peace when the right time come-and that's not now!' And then he walked out on his crutch, his hand on my shoulder. 'Slowly, boy,' he whispered to me. 'We don't want to worry them.'
Dr Livesey was waiting outside the stockade. 'The boy will tell you how I saved his life,' Silver said through the fence. 'Will you say a good word for me?'
'You're not afraid, John, are you?' asked Dr Livesey.
'I don't like the idea of dying by the law,' said Silver.
'And now I'll leave you and Jim alone.'
'So, Jim,' said the doctor, 'here you are. I'm disappointed in you. You went away when Captain Smollett was wounded, which wasn't a brave thing to do.'
'Doctor,' I cried, 'I've blamed myself enough.'
'Jim,' said the doctor, his voice changed. 'Jim, I can't have this. Jume over and we'll run!'
'No,' I said. 'I promised Silver I wouldn't escape, and I must go back. But listen, I took the ship and she's in North Inlet, on the beach.'
'The ship!' cried the doctor.
I told him my story and he listened in silence. Then he said, 'It's you that saves our lives, Jim, and now we'll save yours. Silver!' he called, then as the cook came nearer, said, 'Some advice-don't hurry to find that treasure. If you do, watch out for storms.'
'What's the game, doctor?' said Silver. 'Why did you give me the map?'
'I can't say mor,' said the doctor. 'It's not my secret to tell. But if we borth get out of this alive, Silver, I'll do my best to save you. Now, keep the the boy close beside you, and when you need help, shout for it.'
Then Dr Livesey hurried off into the wood.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..