▶Listen to Lonely by Akon◀
She broke the hug a couple of seconds later. “Take care of yourself Neymar” she said, softly. “You take care too Olive” I said and pressed one last kiss on her forehead. She smiled faintly and that was the last image I had of her as I walked out of the restaurant.
[2 weeks later]
“PUTA!” I yelled as I missed yet another goal. The cameras had surely captured me cursing, but it hadn’t been the first time anyway so I didn’t care. We won the game against Celta due to Mathieu’s goal, which we were really happy about, but I wasn’t happy. My performance and concentration levels where nowhere near what they used to be. Football has been my passion since I was a small child, but that passion seemed to have been dimmed. I never saw football as my profession, since I enjoyed playing football that much. These days it started to feel like a profession however and I didn’t like that feeling at all. I tried my best to keep a smile on my face for my family, friends and the outside world. I used to be that happy, cheerful guy who didn’t have a care in the world, but I felt like I had changed a lot in the past 2 weeks. I wasn’t depressed or truly unhappy, but there was this empty feeling inside my heart and that feeling intensified when I laid alone in bed at night. I could have filled my bed with a beautiful girl or 5 beautiful girls to keep me company, but s*x wasn’t what I wanted. I sighed and took a few gulps from my beer bottle as I tried to focus on my Fifa game.
[Marc’s POV]
Whenever I saw Neymar at training, it made my blood boil. I played it cool however, because I didn’t want to screw up my profession. I didn’t get a lot of playtime during matches to begin with and that caused me a lot of stress. I didn’t talk with Thais since that disgusting day and 2 weeks had passed by quickly. Our baby was 7 months old now and I felt guilty for punishing him because of his mother. I decided to finally contact her. It was my baby boy growing inside her after all and he needed his father.
▶Next in 2!◀
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