significant. The first relation is between adaptation of students to Active Classrooms and participation of passive
students, where participation of passive students was found to be dependent on adaptation. The second relation is
between adaptation of students to Active Classrooms and the improvement in their educational results, where the
improvement in student’s educational results is also dependent on adaptation.
Since the participation of passive students and the improvement in their educational results were chosen as two
dimensions to be used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of Active Classrooms, then the relation between each
dimension and adaptation, leads to a relation between effectiveness of Active Classrooms and adaptation as a logical
conclusion. Therefore, adaptation was proved to be a new determinant of the effectiveness of Active Classrooms.
Further analysis of the collected data from the surveyed participants provided us with information regarding
Active Classrooms as perceived by the students participating in the active learning system: In Active Classrooms,
broader and deeper information are provided to students so they remain continuously up to date. The instructor is
not any more a dispenser of information, but rather a supervisor and a guide for the students during the whole
transfer process, yielding a new concept of responsibility based on sharing of information. Hereby almost quarter of
the surveyed students believe that having responsibilities that is shared between the instructor and the students will
minimize the needed effort by the instructors as they are provided now with more technological facilities.
Moreover, administrative and technological supports, provided by a professional staff, are noted as two major
requirements for Active Classrooms. However in case of lack of managerial and technological support, adaptation
will not be achieved and these Active Classrooms will not yield the expected educational outcomes. The focus of
this research on studying adaptation of students to Active Classrooms, proved its effect on the success of this active
learning method, because having well adapted students will definitely lead to more effective classrooms and thus
better achievement of educational results. Finally, although Active Classrooms are facing several barriers and
Chukri Akhras / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 ( 2013 ) 403 – 407 407
obstacles, statistics show that Active Classrooms are worth the high investment which is one of the impediments that
needs extensive focus to find means to reduce, or to sponsor.
significant. The first relation is between adaptation of students to Active Classrooms and participation of passivestudents, where participation of passive students was found to be dependent on adaptation. The second relation isbetween adaptation of students to Active Classrooms and the improvement in their educational results, where theimprovement in student’s educational results is also dependent on adaptation.Since the participation of passive students and the improvement in their educational results were chosen as twodimensions to be used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of Active Classrooms, then the relation between eachdimension and adaptation, leads to a relation between effectiveness of Active Classrooms and adaptation as a logicalconclusion. Therefore, adaptation was proved to be a new determinant of the effectiveness of Active Classrooms.Further analysis of the collected data from the surveyed participants provided us with information regardingActive Classrooms as perceived by the students participating in the active learning system: In Active Classrooms,broader and deeper information are provided to students so they remain continuously up to date. The instructor isnot any more a dispenser of information, but rather a supervisor and a guide for the students during the wholetransfer process, yielding a new concept of responsibility based on sharing of information. Hereby almost quarter ofthe surveyed students believe that having responsibilities that is shared between the instructor and the students willminimize the needed effort by the instructors as they are provided now with more technological facilities.Moreover, administrative and technological supports, provided by a professional staff, are noted as two majorrequirements for Active Classrooms. However in case of lack of managerial and technological support, adaptationwill not be achieved and these Active Classrooms will not yield the expected educational outcomes. The focus ofthis research on studying adaptation of students to Active Classrooms, proved its effect on the success of this activelearning method, because having well adapted students will definitely lead to more effective classrooms and thusbetter achievement of educational results. Finally, although Active Classrooms are facing several barriers and Chukri Akhras / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 83 ( 2013 ) 403 – 407 407obstacles, statistics show that Active Classrooms are worth the high investment which is one of the impediments thatneeds extensive focus to find means to reduce, or to sponsor.
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