Dear …..,
On behalf of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) of the Government of Thailand, may I cordially invite you to join the 1st International e-Government/CIO Forum to be held in conjunction with the 1st International Academia Workshop, in Bangkok, Thailand from 20 to 21 November 2013.
These two international events will promote collaboration in a global scale among government, business and academia which is essential for sustainable e-Government and CIO development. On this occasion, Chief Information Officers or CIOs play an integral role worldwide in the development, application, utilization and evolution of ICTs.
The 1st International e-Government/CIO Forum and the 1st International Academia Workshop are organized by MICT and mainly supported by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) together with co-supporting partners: International Academy of CIO (IAC), Electronic Government Agency (EGA), Thammasat University and CIO 16 Association of Thailand.
The Forum and Workshop will be held at Sapphire Function Room 101-104 (IMPACT FORUM Building) on November 20, 2013 and Vayupak Room 6, Vayupak Convention Center, the Centra Government Complex Hotel, Chaeng Watthana Rd. on November 21, 2013. The Conference Overview, Tentative Program and related information are attached for your references. The early registration of your delegation will be highly appreciated for proper arrangement. Herewith your access code:………in order to registration at our website :
I look forward to welcoming you at the 1st International e-Government/CIO Forum and the 1st International Academia Workshop in Bangkok.
Yours sincerely,