Feeling Stressed
Everyone feels stress,and a little stress is OK. It's what gives you energy and pushes you to do well at school or work. But too much stress is not good. There are ways to manage stress. Try one or more of these tips the next time you feel stressed out.
1. Breathe
Take a deep breath. Breathe slowly and deeply every time you begin to feel stress. Make this a habit,and you can often stop a little stress from becoming a lot of stress
2. Get Organized
Make a "to do" list,and decide what you need to do right away and what can easily wait. Clean up your study or work space. Do the same with your computer desktop.
3. Move
Go for a swim. Run. Ride your bicycle. Do aerobics. Hike up a mountain. It doesn't really matter what you do. Just do something that you enjoy.
4. Communicate
Have a problem? Don't keep it inside. Talk to a friend,a family member,or even your cat. Don't want to talk? Write it down in a stress journal.