In order to identify interrelations among
these performance variables, Pearson bivariate
correlation coef.cients are presented
in Table 2. These were computed for the .rst
nine of the performance variables, excluding
those relating only to documentation. Looking
at the column for variable 2, budget
changes, the correlation values indicate that,
despite the magnitude of government subsidies
to these organizations, the GSS seems
to allocate public resources without employing
clearly stated performance criteria. There
are no signi.cant correlation coef.cient
scores between values representing budget
changes and new clubs registered (r 5 0.00),
and between budget changes and performance
results of NSOs’ national teams at the
European level (r 5 0.06). Furthermore, the
insigni.cant correlation coef.cient values
observed between budget changes and
scores refiecting involvement in organizing
competitions (r 5 2 0.36), and scores representing
participation in competitions
(r 5 2 0.13) imply that NSOs are not particularly
encouraged by their funding agency to
demonstrate sport-related activity