Good night Yuva.
Tonight Brooke and I are liable to order out. We are making our monthly run to Costco. So
I certainly will not be cooking this evening. I am sorry to hear Meaw is not feeling so well.
I hope she gets better quickly. Especially since she is getting ready to go to Singapore soon.
Along with you and Mac a day later! I hope you all have fun in Singapore.
Sounds like the protesters are gearing up for some protests against the new government. This
is where I put on my caution hat and recommend they remain patient and do nothing to cause
the police or military to take any action. Protesting is one thing, resulting to violence is another.
Violence is almost always met with more violence. And let us not forget, the military has weapons
designed for war. Not for protesters! Not a good idea to resort to violence for the protesters. I do
understand their right to protest. I also understand the governments right to keep it under control.
I am not picking sides, I just know from experience who wins these little conflicts. The military
wins the battle, loses the war and remains in power. The protesters lose the battle, and win the
war on morals. However, the real question becomes, how many had to die and for what purpose?
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think happy thoughts about you all the time.
Hugs & Kisses