SECTION A: Name Choices
** First Choice For Name:
Limited to 35 characters and spaces - INCLUDE breeder's cattery name which is pre-printed on the form if the breeder has a cattery name registered with CFA. If a cattery name is pre-printed it MUST be included.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with names longer than the 35 character maximum will be delayed.
Second Choice for Name:
Limited to 35 characters and spaces - INCLUDE breeder's cattery name which is pre-printed on the form if the breeder has a cattery name registered with CFA. If a cattery name is pre-printed it MUST be included.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with names longer than the 35 character maximum will be delayed.
SECTION B: Litter Information
** Litter Number:
Example: E00123-5 This number is found in the red box in the center of the blue slip form. Note that breed and birthdate can be determined from litter number.
-- breed -- Abyssinian American Bobtail - Longhair American Bobtail - Shorthair American Curl - Longhair American Curl - Shorthair American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese Balinese - Javanese Birman Bombay British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla Burmilla Chartreux Chinese Li Hua Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Devon Rex Egyptian Mau European Burmese Exotic Exotic - Longhair Havana Brown Japanese Bobtail - Longhair Japanese Bobtail - Shorthair Korat La Perm - Longhair La Perm - Shorthair Maine Coon Manx - Longhair Manx - Shorthair Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Oriental - Longhair Oriental - Shorthair Persian - Bicolor Persian - Himalayan Persian - Particolor Persian - Silver Persian - Smoke Persian - Solid Persian - Tabby Ragamuffin Ragdoll Russian Blue Scottish Fold - Longhair Scottish Fold - Shorthair Selkirk Rex - Longhair Selkirk Rex - Shorthair Siamese Siberian Singapura Somali Sphynx Tonkinese Turkish Angora Turkish Van
Date of Birth:
Select Date
SECTION C: Owner Information
** Owner Name(s):
Limited to 30 characters, including letters, spaces, numbers and punctuation. Use first name or inital and last name(s) - Mr./Mrs. is not acceptable.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with owner names longer than the 30 character maximum will be delayed.
Litter PIN Number:
The PIN is found in a red box just above Section D. MAXIMUM is 5 numbers. IMPORTANT: If a cat is to be registered with breeding rights, the PIN will be written on the "blue slip" by the breeder. If no PIN number is provided, the cat will be registered only as "Not for Breeding."
** Street Address:
** City:
** Country:
Zip/Postal Code:
** Phone Number:
** Email Address:
NOTE: We will email a registration number upon the completion of processing - if a submitted email address is incorrect we are not responsible for any delays. Bounced email is not monitored.
** Confirm Email Address:
** Send Registration via:
-- select -- Email (as PDF) Postal Service
SECTION D: Color and Coat Information
** Color of Cat:
Include tabby pattern, if any.
Other Characteristics:
Information, if any, provided by breeder.
** Coat Length:
-- select -- Longhair Shorthair
** Sex:
-- select -- Male Female Neutered Male Spayed Female
Eye Color:
Required for White cats only
** Date of Sale/Purchase:
Select Date
If you are the breeder, please enter 01/01/2022
SECTION A: Name Choices
** First Choice For Name:
Limited to 35 characters and spaces - INCLUDE breeder's cattery name which is pre-printed on the form if the breeder has a cattery name registered with CFA. If a cattery name is pre-printed it MUST be included.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with names longer than the 35 character maximum will be delayed.
Second Choice for Name:
Limited to 35 characters and spaces - INCLUDE breeder's cattery name which is pre-printed on the form if the breeder has a cattery name registered with CFA. If a cattery name is pre-printed it MUST be included.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with names longer than the 35 character maximum will be delayed.
SECTION B: Litter Information
** Litter Number:
Example: E00123-5 This number is found in the red box in the center of the blue slip form. Note that breed and birthdate can be determined from litter number.
-- breed -- Abyssinian American Bobtail - Longhair American Bobtail - Shorthair American Curl - Longhair American Curl - Shorthair American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese Balinese - Javanese Birman Bombay British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla Burmilla Chartreux Chinese Li Hua Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Devon Rex Egyptian Mau European Burmese Exotic Exotic - Longhair Havana Brown Japanese Bobtail - Longhair Japanese Bobtail - Shorthair Korat La Perm - Longhair La Perm - Shorthair Maine Coon Manx - Longhair Manx - Shorthair Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Oriental - Longhair Oriental - Shorthair Persian - Bicolor Persian - Himalayan Persian - Particolor Persian - Silver Persian - Smoke Persian - Solid Persian - Tabby Ragamuffin Ragdoll Russian Blue Scottish Fold - Longhair Scottish Fold - Shorthair Selkirk Rex - Longhair Selkirk Rex - Shorthair Siamese Siberian Singapura Somali Sphynx Tonkinese Turkish Angora Turkish Van
Date of Birth:
Select Date
SECTION C: Owner Information
** Owner Name(s):
Limited to 30 characters, including letters, spaces, numbers and punctuation. Use first name or inital and last name(s) - Mr./Mrs. is not acceptable.
NOTE: Processing of submissions with owner names longer than the 30 character maximum will be delayed.
Litter PIN Number:
The PIN is found in a red box just above Section D. MAXIMUM is 5 numbers. IMPORTANT: If a cat is to be registered with breeding rights, the PIN will be written on the "blue slip" by the breeder. If no PIN number is provided, the cat will be registered only as "Not for Breeding."
** Street Address:
** City:
** Country:
Zip/Postal Code:
** Phone Number:
** Email Address:
NOTE: We will email a registration number upon the completion of processing - if a submitted email address is incorrect we are not responsible for any delays. Bounced email is not monitored.
** Confirm Email Address:
** Send Registration via:
-- select -- Email (as PDF) Postal Service
SECTION D: Color and Coat Information
** Color of Cat:
Include tabby pattern, if any.
Other Characteristics:
Information, if any, provided by breeder.
** Coat Length:
-- select -- Longhair Shorthair
** Sex:
-- select -- Male Female Neutered Male Spayed Female
Eye Color:
Required for White cats only
** Date of Sale/Purchase:
Select Date
If you are the breeder, please enter 01/01/2022
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