Studying at a university requires a lot of personal initiative. The study rules of the respective programmes offer you a degree of freedom in choosing your courses and preparing your study plan.
But there are a number of things you should schools, you do not have a set timetable at a university.
There are compulsory classes that you have to attend, but in some cases you decide yourself which courses you take. However, this does not mean that you have to make all decisions on your
You also have to use your own initiative when it comes to preparing for exams. It's often easier to study if you team up with other students. Study and revision groups are common among students
Tip: Don't plan your course on your ownThe study regulations for your course explain the content of your study programme and which modules you are required to take. You often have the possibility to choose between classes with different thematic focuses within a module. Ask your Student Advice Service whether you will obtain the necessary proof of credits and credit points with your study plan to be able to sign up for intermediate or final exams.
What kind of classes are there?
The most important kinds of class are lectures, seminars/courses, tutorials/practical classes and colloquia.