With reference to SG-STPE JV letter no. E-BKMS-8R/TAN/304 dated June 12, 2016. SG-STPE JV requested for consideration on returning Dell T3610 computer which their staff used temporarily for their work at Bang Khen Raw Water Pumping Station No.3 during the Contract No. E-RW/TR(BK)/(MS)-8(R).
We did check and agree that the Dell T3610 computer as mention above is the asset of SG-STPE which their staff still keeps it at Bang Khen Raw Water Pumping Station No.3 and they can take it back to their company.
To allow SG-STPE JV to get the Dell T3610 computer back to their company will not effect on any MWA operation due to MWA never use this computer.