Gaston Leroux's story is set in the world-famous Paris Opera House. Many of Leroux's readers thought that such a building with its huge stage, famous chandelier, secret underground passages, and even an underground lake could not exist. However, the Paris Opera House actually has all these features!
There are seats for more than 2,000 people. In the back wall of the theater there are 'boxes' on each floor. Leroux chose Box 5,which really does exits. as the Phantom's private seat because it is near the exit
Amassive chaderlier does hang over the theater, and in 1896,it fell during a performance. It killed the person sitting in seat 13, and many people think this event inspired Leroux to write his novel
There is also a lake under the House, which is used as ’ballast’ for weight of the stage. However, this lake is not very large, and there is no island in the middle where the Phantom has his house! Perhaps this is the only feature of Leroux’s story that does not correspond to the actual Opera House in Paris