Castries, 22 October, 2015 – For the month of October, KFC Saint Lucia has been a part of Add Hope, a programme adopted by KFC International which seeks to raise funds to educate and feed children throughout the world.
Through the programme, KFC Saint Lucia will attempt to raise US$1,250 from each of its stores in addition to KFC Dominica’s quota. KFC Dominica was affected by Tropical Storm Erika and so KFC Saint Lucia has taken on that location’s Add Hope contribution as well.
KFC Marketing Officer, Deone Gardner explains, “Although the programme is implemented worldwide, all monies collected throughout the Caribbean and Latin America will assist children from these same regions. KFC works with the World Food Programme and by extension, UNICEF, and these organisations collect all funds raised. For the month of October, all monies will be directed at helping to feed children and better their social and educational conditions.”
In order to assist with this venture, customers of all KFC outlets on island are being encouraged to support the programme by choosing to add hope to their meals. This is in the form of a donation of 25 cents added onto the cost of their orders, although customers can choose make a larger donation.
Add Hope runs for the entire month of October and comes to an end on October 31