In most developing countries, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the most important source of new
employment opportunities. SMEs make substantial contributions to employment and comprise the majority of
businesses in the nation [1]. SMEs provide the strong foundation for Thailand's industrial development. They
utilize their products in bigger industries as raw materials or semi-products [2]. Moreover, SMEs establish theimportant element in supporting crucial units of industry together. In addition, the largest number of businesses is
comprised of SMEs. Their distribution is covered in all sectors including manufacturing, trade and service.
Strengthening SMEs is a main issue to consider when it comes to growth and income distribution in the country.
The Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (ISMED) reported that SMEs in Thailand represent
over 90 percent of the total number of entrepreneurs in nearly all business sectors, and employ over 60 percent of
the labor force. In 201 , the value of industrial exports from Thai SMEs was over 45% of all industrial products
exported from Thailand. All these statistics underscore the huge contribution of SMEs to the Thai economy.
SMEs use a large proportion of the human capital; provide a productive outlet for expressing the entrepreneurial
spirit of individuals, and assist in strengthening economic activity all through the country. SMEs promote a
sufficiency economy by enhancing wealth to the grassroots level, which stimulates the economic and social
development of Thailand [3].