The latest date on 15/10/2014, 9.30-12.00 on minute of meeting report.and the next will be June 2015. record cover all items, such as IQA on June 16 18 2014 and the next will be June 2015. total 5NCRs in this IQA. customer complain: Delay delivery, Root cause: new staffs wrong work method due to mold lost. KPIs and result was discussed in the meeting.such as such as 1) evaluate score from customer84% act Jan-June 2014=85.98%;2T/Y;2) on time delivery86%, average in 2014 87.91%; 3) score customer reject< 0.08% Jan-Decf 2014=0.05; 4) machine break down 85% 2014 average= 86%; no 2nd party audit; no Change since last surveillance; Customer satisfation survey result 85.98%; 5 suggestions were scheduled in the management review records.