These Terms of Service (hereinafter abbreviated as “TOS”) consist of the “Account Agreement,” the “Niconico Douga TOS,” the “Niconico Premium TOS” and the “Privacy Policy.” This TOS shall contain all these components, and use of these services by the person who uses “niconico” and services related to “niconico” (Includes some services provided by other organizations than Niwango, Inc. collectively referred to as “niconico” hereinafter), , which are provided by Niwango, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “operating company”) (hereinafter referred merely to the “User”), shall be deemed to be his/her acceptance of all the above components of “niconico”.The User understands and acknowledges that if that they are under-aged, they must receive the proper prior consent from their legal representative (parent or guardian) in regards to the usage of our site and services.