Technique: The CT brain was performed at 1 mm interval on non contrast phase.
As compare to previous CT study on 13/12/2013
Ill-defined wedge shaped low density lesion is detected at cortical-subcotical area of left frontal lobe, suspected of acute infarction area. No hemorrhagic transformation is visualized.
No hydrocephalus or shifting of midline structure is seen.
CSF-density, extra-axial area is still visualized at right cerebellum, about 2.1x2.6 cm, possibly be arachnoid cyst.
Fluid in bilateral posterior ethmoid sinus is seen, suspected of sinusitis.
Both orbits, the rest of PNS and mastoid air cells appear normal.
Skull is intact.
Impression:- Ill-defined, wedge-shaped, low density lesion at cortical-subcotical area of left frontal lobe, suspected of acute infarction area with no hemorrhagic transformation.
- Possibly arachnoid cyst at right cerebellum.
Ariya Thanasunthonroek,M.D.