Koreaboo has reached out to insiders within the industry, who have revealed that the additional Chinese members of EXO-M have no immediate plans to leave the group and form another in China.
Rumors have been spreading across the internet about members Tao and Lay, attempting to also leaving SM Entertainment, however, the rumors cite insiders’ early knowledge of Jessica being removed from Girls’ Generation and Luhan’s lawsuit against SM Entertainment as credibility.
Several months prior to Jessica being removed from SM Entertainment, rumors were flying of the artist having issues. Prominent Girls’ Generation fan and pseudo-insider, @oniontaker, posted on his Tumblr and Twitter in June, 2014 of the strong possibility that a member might be leaving Girls’ Generation.
In Luhan’s situation, the fact that he would be leaving EXO-M and filing lawsuit against SM Entertainment was the worst kept secret in the industry. Rumors had been flying for weeks, and Chinese fans had even pinpointed the exact dates of the filing of lawsuit (the last day possibly being October 10th). Insiders on television even blatantly “predicted” his leaving.
In May 2013, rumors were already spreading about EXO-M’s Kris leaving the industry and taking a break. Insiders had long revealed that Kris was having problems, heading back home to China and Vancouver for extended periods of times.
Insiders revealed to Koreaboo that it would be impossible for the two members, Lay and Tao to leave so suddenly and form another group with the ongoing legal disputes.
With Luhan citing "health issues due to over-exhaustion in both body and in stress," as one of the major reasons for leaving, it seems contradictory to take on even more stress and battle SM Entertainment on the entertainment field as well as in court.
Luhan was even quoted as saying, “I’m home” in his message after filing lawsuit, further adding to his reasons of wanting to have his health return and take a break from entertainment to focus on his health.
What do you think, are the rumors of the additional two members just an attempt to stir up controversy?