(1) to cooperate in sharing registration data on beneficiaries across schemes;
(2) to support the development of standardized data that could be shared
between schemes; (3) to develop a common audit system; and (4) to support
data exchange in order to monitor and evaluate the operation of the health
insurance system.
A review for this assessment of the minutes of coordination committee meetings
held during 2004-2010 found that none of the agenda items concerned the key
harmonization issues specified in sections 9-12 of the National Health Security Act.
However, the work of the committee resulted in at least three positive outcomes:
(1) cooperation between the call centres of each scheme in providing information,
not only in relation to the individual scheme, but also regarding the other schemes;
(2) improved cooperation and sharing of beneficiary databases between
schemes with regular updating to record individual entitlements and prevent
duplication; and (3) agreeing to a joint audit system.