First fact that can be noticed is the difference between development of Vojvodina’s municipalities and municipalities from area of south Serbia. The biggest concentration of small and medium sized enterprises from agricultural sector is established in big town municipalities (Pancevo, Novi Sad, Subotica, Palilula etc.), which can be explained by the fact that these municipalities are settled in reas where are abundance of favorable conditions for agricultural production. That area is settled on intersection of main roads and it is limited by four borders of Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary and Romania. The water way in this area is very developed. Three huge rivers Dunav, Sava and Tisa are floating and also there is system of channels Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Favorable water way is advantageous for agricultural products’ presentation, so it is normal to find area with very developed and big market for realization of achieved production. The main characteristic of this area is that private sector has long tradition, so municipalities haveexperience in supporting private investments. You can notice service providers’ offices at these areas as better presentation of necessary information, so this influences on development of small and medium sized entrepreneurship in area of agriculture.