The story about the love of me, sometimes there may be a sad what pleasure do you suffer? Sometimes it needs to be because it's no avatar. Before we were dating. Foreign friends ask if unsure, we said Hey who needs an excuse. The man with the woman, but as a woman, with the woman. Some people may not like it, but I'm sure sometimes it isn't hate page too. When we choose something that we like I love him since the summer school What makes me love him because he's cute. At first I didn't think I could be friends with me because he likes to sneak my friend is my friend I don't like him, I turned to my favourite. Others are the ones that I've ever known, but I decide who I just know even though it is known to be not too long, but I thought I'd select someone that I just knew would be better telling close friends to look straight in the face and does not stick. I would like to have what he was looking for. They indulge I came by one day, until they have a sacred woman again who he is. He began to change from a hand. He is interested in a woman who is more than I make us quarrel. Adi, until now. I'm with him, it is also my friend., where everybody is happy. In my opinion I think they are happy at all times because he is the only party that "we came 2 years I, like him, is charged with fraud over. I would like to tell him that even if he is a new man, but I still love him the same. He is my first love. Thank you, know that it is love